What is scalp psoriasis, and what causes it?

Michael Rosenberg
Michael Rosenberg

Specializes in translating complex information into readable, engaging content. Michael@top10us.com

what is scalp psoriasis

Many people develop different scalp issues during their lifetime. Some scalp issues cause minor discomfort and are usually correct with time. Others, however, may require rigorous treatment to treat. One such scalp issue is psoriasis. Usually, it may cause serious scalp and neck itch, along with multiple other symptoms. However, many people are still unaware of the severity of this condition. Therefore, this article will discuss scalp psoriasis in detail.

What is Scalp Psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis is a skin disorder that can cause redness and scaly patches on your scalp. These patches may be continuous or broken, depending on the condition. In extreme cases, scalp psoriasis may cover your neck, ears, and forehead as well. Scalp and neck itchy psoriasis is not a viral disease and cannot be caught directly by contact with an infected person. However, the root cause of the issue is still unknown. However, some risk factors are suggested to increase the chances of its development in the patient.

What Psoriasis is Caused by?

On common explanation provided for scalp psoriasis is related to immune system disorder. Here, the skin cells grow immature to develop patches. In other cases, people may get the disease if it runs in their families.

Other common reasons may include:

  • Obesity: Overweight and obese people have a greater chance of developing scallop psoriasis at some point in their lives.
  • Smoking: Excessive smoking can aggravate hormonal changes that can damage your scalp.
  • Stress: Stress is the silent killer. Excessive stress levels may damage your immunity, causing an increased risk of scalp psoriasis.
  • Infections: If you suffer from many illnesses, you have an increased risk of having a compromised immune system. As a result, the chances of scalp psoriasis increase manifold.

Common Triggers for Scalp Psoriasis

Many aspects can act as triggers to worsened levels of scalp psoriasis.

  • Vitamin-D deficiency can cause an increase in the white -scaly flaky skin.
  • Strep throat infection or skin infections/ injuries.
  • Regular intake of medications such as iodides, antimalarial drugs, beta-blockers, and lithium. Reducing the medication intake can reduce the issue as well.
  • Alcohol addiction or excessive smoking
  • High levels of stress can increase the inflammation by causing issues to your immunity system. The exasperated condition may improve once your stress reduces.

In many cases, scalp psoriasis has very mild symptoms that are sometimes close to unnoticeable. However, people with severe symptoms may face excessive scalp and neck itch, disturbing their sleeping patterns and routine life functions. Likewise, excessive scratching of psoriasis hair can lead to permanent hair loss, bruises, and further skin infections. Sometimes, this itchiness is due to the crusted thick soles that develop because of scallop psoriasis.

Common Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis

The most common symptoms of scalp psoriasis include:

  • Silvery-white scales
  • Red, scaly, and bumpy patches
  • Dry scalp
  • Dandruff-like flaking,
  • Hair loss
  • Burning
  • Soreness
  • Itchiness

It is crucial to note that psoriasis hair loss is not due to the disease itself. Instead, it is related to excessive scratching that happens in the disease. Similarly, hair regrowth is common once the skin becomes clear of the scaly patches.

Common Psoriasis Treatments

Many medical treatments have proven to be effective to a great extent against scalp psoriasis.

  • Calcipotriene: This Vitamin-D rich medication is available in the form of a solution, ointment, foam, and a cream. The high Vitamin D content can help regulate the production of cells on your skin. This way, the condition of psoriasis affected areas can improve.
  • Betamethasone-calcipotriene: It offers relief to the affected scalp areas and reduces redness. Currently, the product is available under the brand name Taclonex, Wynzora, and Enstilar.
  • Tazarotene: This cream/ gel can be used to remove the plaques and keep scalp psoriasis symptoms under control.

Apart from these major medications, some doctors also suggest using oral retinoids and Methotrexate to reduce help in reducing the overgrowth of skin cells. Such reduced growth can help maintain the skin tone and avoid the development of white, scaly patches. Similarly, it can help to reduce inflammation as well.

Home Remedies

Apart from the general treatment, many people prefer using different home remedies to soothe themselves and reduce scalp psoriasis symptoms. Some of the most common home remedies are as follows:

  • Aloe vera: Using aloe vera in gel or cream form on the scalp has proven effective against psoriasis. It can reduce burning and redness. It is best to apply at least thrice every day.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: An apple cider vinegar solution can be used to wash psoriasis-affected areas. Cleaning in this form can remove the flakes and avoid the development of further infection in the process.
  • Pureed Garlic Paste: Mixing this page with other treatment options like aloe vera can help to reduce skin damage significantly.
  • Sea-salt: Sea salt bath is effective in reducing inflammation in psoriasis-affected areas. Regular use can remove the white scales in mildly affected areas as well.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is effective in reducing both inflammation and redness. I prefer using Vitamin D supplements instead of direct sun exposure.

Apart from the home remedies, you may use different shampoos that are effective against the disease.

  • Witch Hazel: This ingredient helps keep the scalp calmer and reduces friction that may cause heavy scratching.
  • Coal tar: Coal tar is an effective ingredient against inflammation and heavy scalp issues.
  • Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid reduces the flakes on your skin that have developed due to scalp psoriasis.

Is Scalp Psoriasis the same as Dermatitis?

No! Both conditions are completely different. Dermatitis refers to different types of skin inflammations that are caused by the irritation of the skin. On the other hand, scalp psoriasis is related to an immune disorder. Therefore, the underlying causes, and treatments, of both conditions are different. Additionally, the affected area may look different, helping a doctor diagnose the exact condition.


Scalp Psoriasis is a common scalp issue that can be managed effectively if proper steps are taken in time. Let us know if you learned something important from our article. 

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