Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means that it’s related to a person’s immune system causing problems. Having pets raises your immune system, and some people with psoriasis find that having pets helps their symptoms of psoriasis become less severe. But other people find that having pets makes their symptoms worse or even triggers their psoriasis in the first place. It’s important to consider both sides of the story when considering whether or not to get a pet if you have psoriasis so you can make an informed decision about your specific needs and situation.
Things People with Psoriasis Need to Consider When Getting a Pet
Psoriasis is usually manageable, but it can be unpredictable and flare up at any time. If you’re thinking about getting a pet, talk to your doctor or dermatologist first. Don’t bring home an animal until you know how your body will react. Once you know more about your condition, there are still some additional things to consider: What kind of animal do you want? Will it cause too much stress for my family? How much does it cost to take care of an animal? Pets aren’t just companions; they also increase blood flow in our brains by lowering levels of cortisol (the hormone that causes stress). So having a pet around can actually be good for your health in many ways! Just make sure that you discuss all these considerations with someone before bringing a furry friend into your life—and remember to always ask whether anyone else has allergies or sensitivities. You wouldn’t want anyone in your house being exposed to substances that might trigger a reaction…like fur!
How Pets Can Help You with Psoriasis
Pets can provide many physical and psychological benefits, including reduced stress and lower blood pressure. If you’re in remission from psoriasis, getting a pet may be an excellent way to take your mind off of flares and improve your overall health. Pets can increase feelings of relaxation and well-being, but they can also help people who are trying to lose weight or cut down on alcohol consumption because having pets around helps fill some of our needs for social contact. Pets keep us active and give us a sense of purpose – all of which boosts our self-esteem, especially when we feel like we might not be able to contribute as much at work or school.
How Pets May Cause Problems for Those with Psoriasis
Pets can help people feel better, but they can also irritate skin conditions like atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. Some pets may trigger or worsen these skin diseases. The dander from dogs and cats can irritate your skin. Even well-groomed pets with short hair can shed enough fur to affect those with these conditions. Pet saliva, such as when you kiss your dog or cat on its mouth, may also cause problems for some with skin conditions. This is especially true of dogs that lick or groom themselves excessively, and owners who do not bathe their pets regularly enough or at all. Cat dander and saliva are also very likely to induce an allergic reaction than most other animals. Allergic reactions often show up on your hands first because it’s very easy for them to come into contact with animals.
My Personal Experiences with Pets
While researching for an answer to your question, I realized that there is actually not much information out there about how pets can affect psoriasis. And that makes sense! We’re talking about two animals (dogs and cats), and both of them may trigger different allergic reactions in different people. In my case, my daughter has pustular psoriasis and she was experiencing more frequent flare-ups when she had her two cats at home: Maru and Lili. Eventually, we got rid of our furry friends in order to alleviate some stress from her condition.
Thoughts about Pets and Psoriasis
Yes, there are reasons to think twice about owning a pet if you have psoriasis. Although pets can lead to great benefits in your health and happiness, they might not be right for everyone. If you already own pets that scratch or lick you, talk with your doctor about ways to discourage them from doing so. Whether or not you’re prone to injury from scratching as part of your condition, there are other reasons to avoid scratches and licks from your pets: You could become infected with bacteria that could exacerbate your skin condition. And while rare, some people develop life-threatening infections—like strep throat—after being bitten by their pets. Aside from bites and scratches, it is possible to contract diseases directly through a pet such as tapeworms (from fleas) or ringworm (from an animal’s contact with soil). Some illnesses may even require medical treatment. So getting tested for common diseases that could be transmitted via your pet may be prudent before bringing one into your home. Overall, many experts suggest consulting with a dermatologist before making any final decisions on whether or not to bring home a new furry friend!