Frequently asked questions about online therapy and online doctors.

Michael Rosenberg
Michael Rosenberg

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Are online doctors as qualified as the doctors we meet in person?

Don’t confuse yourself about online doctors. They are as qualified as the doctors you meet in person. If you are visiting a trustable 3rd party website to find an online doctor you will be able to see their specializations and qualifications and they are registered with that third party.

Do online doctors provide service in person?

Online doctors are the same doctors who are providing health care probably in a hospital or chamber. Most online doctors consider their online service time as their 2nd job or part-time job. So you may also find him in person. Your online doctor may also suggest you meet him in person if you need a deeper examination of your condition.

Can I trust online doctors?

Online doctors are trustable. But you have to be cautious. Don’t fall into the trap of fraud and biased advertisements. Take medical help from a trustable online doctor’s website or application. You should also see his qualifications or work experience. Usually, they are checked verified, and registered with that third-party website where you may find them.

Can online doctors treat complex problems?

No matter how qualified and experienced your online doctor is, if you have a condition that needs deep examination, tests, and hand-to-hand treatment, online doctors can’t do that. However, they can help you with some primary advice. But in the end, you must visit a doctor in person.

What kind of disease can online doctors treat?

Online doctors can help you to treat a wide range of diseases. They can help you with anything that can be treated just by listening or seeing your symptoms or previous reports and medical history. Reach out to an online doctor if you have, diarrhea, headache, cold, runny nose, fever, cough, etc. You can also consult with an online doctor for any kind of medical suggestion no matter the disease you have.

How much do online doctors charge?

The charges are usually lower than any in-person meeting. But we can’t be specific here as it depends on so many things such as your region, service provider website or application, type of expertise, type of communication such as voice or video conference, chatting, email, etc, and so on. You may even get some online doctors providing free advice.

Is online therapy as good as in-person therapy?

Online therapies are as effective as in-person therapies in most cases. According to some reports, it is more effective than typical therapy. However, if you have any condition that requires deep examination, then online therapy may not be the best option for you. But you can try online therapy to see if it works.

Can online doctors and therapists prescribe medications?

Your online doctor or therapist may give you a prescription for medication if they think you need them.

What makes online therapies more effective than in-person therapy?

Because it is hassle-free, easy to access, time, energy, and cost-efficient. However, the effectiveness will depend on the person taking the therapy. If you are uncomfortable communicating through technology, then it might not be as effective for you.

Can I trust online therapists?

If you found them through a trustable online website, then you can trust them easily. You can also try to verify their qualification and experience by asking them yourself. Usually, you will get to know about the necessary information such as their in-person workplace, expertise, experience, qualification, ratting, etc. before you register a therapy from them.


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