Online Doctors during COVID-19, Lifesavers from the other side

Online doctors: The angels in the dark We all know what a disaster life has become after 2019. Though Coronavirus started spreading by 2019, we saw the worst of it by 2020. Though vaccines are now invented and given in many regions, still we are not recovered. The role online doctors played during these dark […]

Online Therapy During COVID-19

Covid-19 and online therapy: Our mental health is as important as physical. People have been avoiding the importance of mental health for many years. But, with the improving awareness about mental health and psychology, the demand for therapy is increasing. Covid-19 has badly affected a lot of people’s physical health and also mental health. And […]

All you need to know about online therapy.

You should take online therapy under your consideration. Visiting a therapist and consulting personal problems in person can be difficult for a lot of people. The feeling of hesitation and shyness is common among the patients who need the therapy. There are other barriers that we discussed later in this article. But online therapy can […]

Frequently asked questions about online therapy and online doctors.

Are online doctors as qualified as the doctors we meet in person? Don’t confuse yourself about online doctors. They are as qualified as the doctors you meet in person. If you are visiting a trustable 3rd party website to find an online doctor you will be able to see their specializations and qualifications and they […]

All you need to know about Online doctors

Online doctors are lifesavers! Online doctors have made our life easier in many ways. Technology has brought a wide range of services online and online healthcare service is one of the best online services you can expect to have. The world has understood the importance of online doctors even deeper after the covid-19 breakout in […]